Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) B.Tech Project Management Notes PDFs for Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Project Management Definition
Project management is a crucial aspect of engineering that ensures the successful execution of projects within defined constraints such as time, cost, and scope. In B.Tech Computer Science Engineering, project management helps students develop skills to manage software and IT-related projects efficiently.
Importance of Project Management
Project management is an important discipline in B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE) because it teaches students how to effectively plan, execute, and monitor software and IT projects. Whether working on small coding assignments or large-scale software applications, effective project management ensures timely completion, efficient resource utilisation, and high-quality results.
Course Objectives:
The goal of the B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Project Management course is to give students the foundational knowledge and abilities needed to effectively design, carry out, oversee, and finish software and IT projects. In order to guarantee efficient project delivery while controlling resources, risks, and schedules, the course covers a variety of approaches, tools, and best practices.
1. Recognise the Basics of Project Management
Discover the fundamentals of project management and how it affects software development.
Recognise the phases of the project lifecycle: planning, execution, monitoring, closure, and initiation.
2. Gain expertise in scheduling and planning
Discover how to make timelines, Gantt charts, and project roadmaps.
Learn how to break down a project into manageable tasks by understanding work breakdown structures, or WBS.
3. Acquire Knowledge about Software Development Techniques
Examine the Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban approaches.
Recognise how to use various approaches according to the needs of the project.
4. Oversee Teamwork and Resource Management
Develop your communication and teamwork skills.
Recognise the functions of stakeholders, developers, testers, and project managers.
5. Gain expertise in risk and change management
Determine possible project hazards, such as scope creep, financial limitations, and technical malfunctions.
Acquire knowledge of risk assessment methods and mitigation tactics.
RGPV B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Project Management (CS604) Notes