Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) B.Tech Energy & Environmental Engineering Notes PDFs for Computer Science Engineering (CSE), Electrical Engineering (EE) and Information Technology (IT)

Energy and environmental engineering is an important area within B.Tech engineering that addresses the difficulties of sustainable energy generation, resource conservation, and environmental preservation. This discipline integrates engineering concepts, scientific knowledge, and environmental research to provide new solutions that encourage efficient energy use while minimising environmental repercussions. In this essay, we will look at the importance of energy and environmental engineering, delving into its fundamental ideas and looking at practical applications in creating a more sustainable future.

Energy and environmental engineering seeks sustainable ways to fulfil the world’s ever-increasing energy demand while reducing the environmental implications of traditional energy sources. This subject strives to optimise energy systems, create renewable energy technology, and apply environmentally friendly practises by merging engineering concepts and environmental factors.

Importance of Energy & Environmental Engineering

Energy and environmental engineering are critical to tackling the global energy issue and reducing the environmental implications of existing energy sources. To ensure a clean and sustainable future, it focuses on the development of renewable energy technology, energy-efficient systems, and sustainable practises.

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the fundamental concepts of energy and environmental engineering, as well as the importance of these principles in tackling global energy and environmental concerns.

2. Familiarise yourself with the various renewable energy sources, their properties, and their uses in the creation of sustainable energy.

3. Learn about energy conversion technologies and systems, as well as energy efficiency methods, in order to maximise energy utilisation and decrease environmental consequences.

4. Understand the concepts and methodologies of environmental impact assessment, such as life cycle assessment (LCA), in order to analyse the environmental footprint of energy systems and drive decision-making processes.

5. Learn about sustainable resource management practises like waste management and recycling that can help to reduce resource depletion and support circular economy concepts.

6. Understand the ideas and practises of energy conservation and demand-side management in order to increase energy efficiency and minimise energy consumption.


RGPV B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE)/Electrical Engineering (EE)/Information Technology (IT)- Energy & Environmental Engineering (ES301) Notes