Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) B.Tech Internet and Web Technology Notes PDFs for Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

The Internet’s Evolution
The internet, a worldwide network of interconnected computers, has changed the way we access and share information. It has progressed from a simple communication tool to a vast ecosystem that supports a wide range of applications ranging from social media to cloud computing.

Web Technology Definition
The tools, languages, and protocols used to create and manage websites and web applications are referred to as web technology. Front-end technologies define the user interface, while back-end technologies power the functionality behind the scenes.

Importance of Internet and Web Technology

Global Communication and Connectivity
The internet has erased geographical boundaries, allowing for global communication and collaboration in real time. Web technology is used by engineering professionals to collaborate on projects, share research findings, and participate in global engineering communities.

E-commerce and Digital Marketing
Online commerce has become an essential component of the modern economy. B.Tech students with web technology skills can contribute to the design and development of e-commerce platforms, allowing businesses to reach customers all over the world.

Access to and Dissemination of Information
The internet is a vast repository of information. Engineers with web development skills can create user-friendly websites and portals for disseminating engineering-related information, resources, and research.

Course Objectives:

The Fundamentals of Internet Architecture
Students begin by learning the fundamentals of internet architecture, such as the concepts of servers and clients, as well as the roles of protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS.

Front-end Development, HTML, and CSS
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are covered in the curriculum, allowing students to create visually appealing and responsive web pages.

Databases and back-end technologies
Students learn how to build dynamic web applications using back-end technologies such as server-side scripting languages (e.g., PHP, Python) and databases (e.g., MySQL).

Privacy and Security on the Internet
It is critical to ensure web security and protect user data. Students become acquainted with secure coding practises, authentication mechanisms, and encryption techniques.

RGPV B.Tech Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Internet and Web Technology (CS504) Notes